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October 09, 2018

As Nikki Haley Resigns, Critics Forced to Clarify That "Pro-War, Pro-Imperialist" Sycophant for Trump Is No "Moderate"
By Jon Queally
Haley "was probably the most pro-war, pro-imperialist high-ranking Trump official, and therefore the most beloved Trump official by the war-loving U.S. media. - Continue


Benjamin Netanyahu Is No Friend to USA
By Scott Ritter
The American people should not tolerate this continued intrusion into their affairs by an outsider whose previous lies and provocations helped get the US entangled in the Iraq war. - Continue


Iranian-Saudi Detente Could Transform The Region, And US Power Is There To Prevent
By Finian Cunningham
American power and Saudi rulers are a symbiotic scourge on the region. - Continue


End the Noxious U.S.-Saudi Relationship
By Daniel Larison
The crown prince has already proven himself to be an impetuous, clumsy, inept, and brutal ruler. - Continue


Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil
By Pepe Escobar
The Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between civilization and barbarism. - Continue


U.S. Policy towards Immigrant Children is not Policy, it is Cruelty
By César Chelala
We leave behind our homes, our relatives, our friends. We are not criminals, we are people living in fear in our countries,” - Continue


Homeless America
By Chris Hedges
These men and women, and increasingly children, are the collateral damage of the corporate state. - Continue


American Physicist Who Sold Nobel to Pay for End-of-Life Care Dies
By Sputnik
The family of Nobel prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman sold his award to cover end-of-life medical expenses. - Continue


Yemen raids kill 79 rebels: Saudi-led coalition air strikes in Yemen have killed almost 80 Huthi rebel fighters over 48 hours

20 Houthi militiamen killed in Yemen’s Baqim, including two commanders

5 killed in Saudi-led airstrike on bee yard in Yemen's Hodeidah

UN Panel: Saudi Arabia and UAE “Interfering” in Documentation of Yemen War Crimes

Starvation and Child Soldiers: On the Ground in Yemen

Iraq: IS attackers kill three policemen, wound others in Salahuddin

Three Iraqi policemen found dead in Mosul city

Russia sees attempts to re-deploy terrorists from Syria’s Idlib to Iraq, warns diplomat

More Russian Forces Deployed Near US-Backed Militia in Deir Ezzur

S-300s in Syria Will Be Able to 'See' America's 5th-Gen Jets

Israel will continue Syria strikes despite S-300, Netanyahu tells Moscow

Israel Trains to Counter the S-300 in Syria: : Israel will find it difficult to stop targeting objectives in Syria, while Damascus has the finger on the trigger of the S-300 and other anti-air missiles

Syria's Assad offers amnesty to army deserters

Wait And Watch US Sanctions Implode: Ex-Envoy's Advice To India On Iran: "India's national interests lie in maintaining relations with Iran while at the same time not totally alienating the United States", he told PTI.

US rejects Iran's legal claim to recover $2bn in frozen assets

11 Palestinians wounded during Gaza protest

US envoy says Trump "peace plan" to focus ‘heavily’ on Israeli security

For Palestinians, America Was Never an Honest Broker: The White House has simply abandoned the facade of neutrality and rubber-stamped the Israeli government’s agenda.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support: Israel has detained an American graduate student at its international airport for the past week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott campaign against the Jewish state.

Defying Abbas, Israel Transfers Fuel to Gaza

Jamal Khashoggi: Turkey hunts black van it believes carried body: Officials search for vehicle they say was part of convoy belonging to Saudi hit squad

Turkey says Saudi Arabia allows consulate search over missing journalist

Evidence of what happened to Jamal Khashoggi exists. It must be released.


Egypt says security forces kill 10 militants in Sinai

Donald Trump to rival China's investment in Africa: Known as the Build Act, the legislation will double, to $60 billion (Sh6tn), funds for promoting US corporate investment in Africa

South Africa's Zulu king, Afrikaans nationalists to form farming partnership


Afghanistan: 156 alleged insurgents killed in military crackdowns : At least 156 militants were killed and 57 wounded in intensive military crackdowns across the country over past day.

16 militants killed in Badghis: At least 16 armed militants were killed and eight others wounded after clashes with Afghan forces in western Badghis province, police officials said.

Afghanistan ; Taliban attack on Jawzjan province kills 12 Afghan security forces

U.S. Lawmaker: It’s time to end the war in Afghanistan: “It’s clear that continuing on the current course is not in our national interest,” he said. “American troops should come home.

Pakistan to seek $6-7 billion IMF bailout:

Pakistan quits anti-piracy force amid worsening US ties

Pompeo says North Korea ready to let inspectors into missile, nuclear sites

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un expected to visit Russia soon: South Korea's Moon

Kim Jong-un invites Pope Francis to North Korea

New Evidence Of Chinese Spy Hardware Found By Ex-Mossad Investigators; According to a new report by Bloomberg, the unnamed telecom company hired former Israeli Intelligence Corps security expert Yossi Appleboum, now of Maryland-based Sepio Systems, who provided other evidence of the discovery"


Ukraine ammo dump blasts blamed on 'possible sabotage'

Ukraine launches large-scale air exercises with Nato

A Bulgarian journalist was raped and killed in a case that has shocked Europe

US Drone Spotted Flying Near Russian Border Second Time in Two Days

Researchers: No Evidence That Russia Is Messing With Campaign 2018

Chinese Firms Now Hold Stakes In Over A Dozen European Ports

Isis supporters 'frustrated' at being stopped from travelling to Syria may attack UK instead

Trump 'outrage' caused UK to stop opposing death penalty, court hears


IMF: Argentina, World Economy Weakens From US Trade War

In Brazil and the US, democracy is at a crossroads: As the pro-torture Jair Bolsonaro edges closer to presidential victory, democracy in the Americas has rarely seemed so fragile

Where’s my baby? How Canada confronted the scandal of forced adoption: Between 1945 and 1975, hundreds of thousands of unmarried Canadian women were forced to give up their children to adoptive parents.

Migrant Children in Search of Justice: A 2-Year-Old’s Day in Immigration Court: Fernanda Jacqueline Davila, has been in government custody since she was taken from her grandmother at the border in late July.

Report: Pentagon Weapons Systems Are At Risk Of Cyberattacks: The Government Accountability Office says the DOD has a major cybersecurity problem.

'Entire generation' of US weapons easily hackable: A report from the US Government Accountability Office paints a grim picture of American military security – or the lack thereof.

Trump's tariffs have already cost Ford $1B; now it's planning layoffs

The World Is Quietly Decoupling From The U.S. - And No One Is Paying Attention : The more aggressive that tariffs become between the U.S. and China, Iran, Europe and Russia, the faster that already existing alternative systems will be implemented.

Mayor's spokesman: Trump 'clueless,' wrong on stop-and-frisk: A spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has called President Donald Trump "clueless" for reviving criticism of Chicago and encouraging more stop-and-frisks by police.

Report: President Donald Trump accepts UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's resignation

Nikki Haley's Abrupt Resignation: Why Now?

Nikki Haley’s private plane flights raise ethics questions, watchdog says

Nikki Haley’s Sudden Resignation as UN Ambassador, Triggers Speculation: ‘Is She Anonymous?’

Rick Gates Sought Online Manipulation Plans From Israeli Intelligence Firm for Trump Campaign: A top Trump campaign official requested proposals in 2016 from an Israeli company to create fake online identities, to use social media manipulation and to gather intelligence to help defeat Republican primary race opponents and Hillary Clinton

41 years. $3 billion. Inside the Clinton donor network.: The grand total raised for all of their political campaigns and their family’s charitable foundation reaches at least $3 billion

Researchers: No Evidence That Russia Is Messing With Campaign 2018

America's first robot farm replaces humans with 'incredibly intelligent' machines




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