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October 08, 2018

Trump Admin Follows Corporate Media Playbook for War With Iran
By John C. O'Day
“It is time for the US government to stop intervening in Iran and let the Iranian people determine their own destiny” - Continue


Iran's World Court Win Exposes U.S. as Rogue State
When it comes to Iran, the U.S. is acting like a rogue state. - Continue


Marketing War: the Incessant Drumbeat of Mortal Danger
By Paul Atwood
A government dominated by the merchants of death drains the lifeblood of civil society. - Continue


US-Saudi Split Looming?
By Finian Cunningham
The American "protection racket" — for that's what it is — also comes with the added incentive of gargantuan weapons sales to the Saudis. - Continue


The CIA Finger in Brasil’s Elections
By Marcelo Zero.
There is science behind this manipulation. - Continue


Even In “Revolutionary Countries” Mass Media Is Still In The Hands Of The Right
By Andre Vltchek
The victims of this war are human brains, human minds, culture, and sometimes entire political systems. - Continue


The U.N.'s Climate Report Exposes How Badly Wrong Leaders Like Trump Have Got Climate Change
By Ban Ki-moon
The IPCC report makes it clear that the time for talking is over — this is literally a matter of life and death. - Continue


Two Iraqi policemen killed in Islamic State attack on Mosul checkpoint

Iraq: Erdogan vows to 'finish' Kurdish militants in Iraq to avenge dead soldiers

One Syrian soldier killed in shelling by militants

Russia says it provided Syria with 24 advanced S-300 launchers for free

Saudi airstrikes leave five more civilians dead in southern Yemen

Shocking images of starving children show reality of the war in Yemen

Tehran says Saudi Arabia unable to replace lost Iranian oil

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi 'killed inside Saudi consulate', Turkish officials say

Jamal Khashoggi disappearance: Turkey asks to search Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul

The Khashoggi Affair: He may have been killed in the consulate, or drugged and flown to Riyadh, to be either executed or held incommunicado. The Saudi government has offered only flimsy denials.

11 protesters wounded by Israeli occupation forces live fire at Gaza fence

Netanyahu said to tell cabinet Israel preparing for Gaza offensive

Robert Fisk; I watched a Palestinian family lose their land 25 years ago – and this week I returned to find them

Watch: "The Godfather" – CBC exposé on Sheldon Adelson's influence on Trump, Harper, & Mideast policies

A New Wave of Democrats Tests the Party’s Blanket Support for Israel: A Democrat running for Congress in Detroit, has said she will oppose aid to Israel.

In case you missed it; Prince Charles blames ‘foreign Jews’ for Middle East turmoil in 1986 letter: The Prince of Wales also called on the US to ‘take on the Jewish lobby’

Party running for Haifa municipal elections to create Jews-only merchant list


Egyptian security forces kill 52 militants in North Sinai

Cameroon candidate Kamto declares victory, ruling party denies


Death toll of Indonesia quakes, tsunami climbs to 1,944 as search to end

Afghanistan: 57 Alleged, Insurgents Killed by Afghanistan National Security Forces

Afghanistan: 38 alleged, ISIS-K militants killed, wounded in U.S. drone strikes in Nangarhar

US-China tensions flare as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with counterparts in Beijing

Chinese stocks fall almost 5% in market bloodbath as investors digest a week of bad news in a single day


How Russia plans to disentangle its economy from US dollar: Russia seeks to de-dollarize the economy by 2024.

Fear of infuriating Trump made UK drop opposition to death penalty for British Isis suspects, court told

Greece: Syriza’s Repressive Turn and its Background: Alexis Tsipras’s government promised to end austerity. Now it’s defending the banks against people evicted from their homes — and persecuting those who protest.

Former French President Sarkozy Loses First Appeal In Corruption Trial: Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday lost a first appeal against facing trial over influence peddling and corruption charges

We have 12 years to act on climate change before the world as we know it is lost. How much more urgent can it get?

Climate report: Scientists politely urge 'Act now, idiots

Trump ‘poses the single greatest threat’ to our climate, bombshell UN report makes clear: Trump team approves landmark climate report -- and then rejects it


Cambridge Analytica chief called Barbados leader N-word: Report

Brazil's Bolsonaro-Led Far Right Wins a Victory Far More Sweeping and Dangerous Than Anyone Predicted. Its Lessons Are Global.

Russia Sets Up Weapons Maintenance Database in Venezuela

Venezuela Accuses Colombia of Harboring Assassination Suspects

Mineral Frontiers and American Power : As the United States began to grow closer to war in the late 1930s, this concern over vital minerals extended to other regions, particularly Latin America, as U.S. planners feared that their own stocks could be exhausted

Bioweapon? Scientists Sound Alarm Over DARPA Plans To Spread Viruses Using Insects

Immigrant Detainee Called ICE Help Line Before Killing Himself in Isolation Cell

The Government Is Blacklisting People Based on Predictions of Future Crimes

Ron Paul: US is barreling toward a stock market drop of 50% or more, and there's no way to prevent it

"I've Never Seen A Slump Like This That Didn't Spread To The Whole Country": Dark clouds gather over the US housing market - If the fall we are seeing at the top spreads, the impact could be significant.

Wealth in America: Where are the richest and poorest states based on household income?: Much of the gains in median household income went to households that were already wealthy.

"It Was All Made Up, It Was Fabricated": Trump Says Kavanaugh Victim Of Democrat "Hoax"

Florida man threatens to shoot senators over Kavanaugh vote, deputies say: A man was arrested after posting on Facebook that he wanted to "go to literal war against liberals" and shoot members of Congress and their families

Watch; Judge Andrew Napolitano: Brett Kavanaugh and the Patriot Act: Judge Andrew Napolitano looked at some troubling parts of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's legal career.

At Secretive Retreat, Evangelicals Celebrate Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Clintons gear up to cash in on the lecture circuit

Trump says he has no plans to fire Rosenstein – video




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