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June 30, 2020

Learning From the Past: History Provides Clues into Israel’s West Bank Annexation
By Miko Peled
From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives. - Continue


Russiagate 2.0 - Deep state votes for Biden?
From pandering to Putin to abusing allies and ignoring his own advisers, Trump's phone calls alarm US officials
By Carl Bernstein
"There was no sense of 'Team America' in the conversations," or of the United States as an historic force with certain democratic principles and leadership of the free world, said the official. - Continue


Intel Official: Allegations of Russian Bounties to Taliban ‘Uncorroborated’
By Mairead McArdle
The National Security Agency assessed that the intelligence collection report lacks “sufficient reporting to corroborate any links.” - Continue


To Keep Russiagate Alive 'Officials' Make New Claims Without Providing Evidence
By Moon Of Alabama
The same intelligence services and 'officials' lied about WMD in Iraq. - Continue


Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly
By Caitlin Johnstone
Propaganda relies on people buying into their narratives, as well as fear and greed, to effectively manipulate public perception. - Continue


Must Watch
From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives. - Continue



Yemen: 18 killed in clashes between army, Houthis

Houthis, UAE 'tortured and killed' Yemenis in unofficial prisons

11 IS militants killed in airstrikes in northern Iraq

4 Hashd Shaabi members killed in bomb attack north of Baghdad

2 Iraqi civilians killed in US-led drone strike

Trump Escalates Killer Drone War and No One Seems to Care

Foreign invasion forces continue to steal Syrian oil: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

China reaffirms respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity

International donors pledge $7.7bn in humanitarian aid for Syria: Aid groups warn promised sum is not enough.

US an 'outlaw bully' that UN shouldn’t surrender to : Zarif at UNSC:

US Fails At UN On Iran – OpEd

Content of 25-year Iran-China co-op plan will be published when finalized: Tehran

Palestinians ask ICC to investigate Trump and Netanyahu over annexation

Done deal: How the peace process sold out the Palestinians: How US support for Israel has already changed the reality on the ground

UK Labour leaders ‘antisemitism’ sacking is a signal that Israel is safe in his hands

Bernie Sanders Signs AOC's Anti-annexation Letter Threatening to Cut U.S. Military Aid to Israel

J Street Is Facing New Pressure to Back Conditioning Aid to Israel

Bread queues return to Lebanon as protests surge over economy crisis


Boko Haram militants killed in Nigerian military airstrikes in northeast region

Russian mercenaries close off Libyan oil exports

France's Macron slams Turkey's 'criminal' role in Libya

Why France’s former colonies in Africa must demand an apology

Belgium's King sends 'regrets' to Congo for Leopold II atrocities -- but doesn't apologize

Must Watch: Belgian Congo ; White King, Red Rubber and Black Death: Documentary


17 activists killed in airstrike in Afghanistan

23 Killed In Blast At Cattle Market In Southern Afghanistan

lled in airstrike in Afghanistan

Spy chief Ratcliffe says Trump never briefed on Russia offering Taliban bounties

Russian bounty intel was included in Trump's daily briefing: reports

US claim of 'Russian Bounty' plot in Afghanistan is dubious and dangerous

New York Times now claims Afghan CRIMINALS & not Taliban were paid, cites anonymous sources again

Caitlin Johnstone: Only Idiots Believe The CIA

Watch: Afghanistan War Exposed: An Imperial Conspiracy: Abby Martin, interview with Afghanistan combat veteran

Pakistani PM says 'no doubt' that India was behind stock exchange attack

India bans TikTok, WeChat, other Chinese apps over 'security' concern

Hong Kong adopts new national security law hours after President Xi Jinping signs legislation

Details of China's national security law for Hong Kong unveiled: The law gives three scenarios when China might take over a prosecution:

US export controls will ‘hammer Hong Kong re-exports’ and tighten the screw on China

China will not be cowed by US obstruction, Foreign Ministry says

Pompeo's slander peddling to bury Washington's already shaky credibility

China Oil Titans Plan Joint Crude Buying to Add Bargaining Power

Taiwan warned against ‘wishful thinking’ that US will come to rescue if China attacks

WHO Experts Will go to China to Determinate Origin of COVID-19

Researcher confirms detection of coronavirus in Barcelona waste water on March 12, 2019

New strain of flu found in China has potential to become a pandemic, scientists warn

MSM stokes panic as yet another animal virus spreads to humans in China, but there’s little to fear


Merkel, Macron promote EU militarism amid growing conflicts with Washington

Congress moves to block Trump’s Germany troop withdrawal plans

Germany to Purge Its Special Forces From Far-Right Members

EU to bar travelers from US as it begins lifting restrictions

International Association of Democratic Lawyers call on UK Court to grant bail to Julian Assange

New US indictment of Julian Assange not served in UK courts



Venezuela Expels EU Ambassador After Sanctions Imposed

Bolivia: Hospitals Collapse Due to Rise in COVID-19 Cases

The New York Times Admits Key Falsehoods That Drove Last Year’s Coup in Bolivia: Falsehoods Peddled by the U.S., Its Media, and the Times

Fauci warns U.S. could see 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day

NY, NJ, CT restrict access to travelers from 16 states due to fear of coronavirus spread

Carl Bernstein: Trump 'delusional' & danger to national security — McMaster, Tillerson, Bolton, Mattis, Kelly

GOP lawmakers confirm intel on Russian operation to target U.S. troops, say material needs further review

Donald Trump ‘bullied and humiliated Theresa May’

Bob Woodward story on Kavanaugh's veracity 'pulled' during Senate hearings: Woodward outed Kavanaugh as a source for material in one of his books about Ken Starr and his investigation of Bill Clinton.

Bob Woodward talked out of exposing Brett Kavanaugh as anonymous source by Washington Post editor: report

Before ‘takedown’ of General Flynn, he was planning to audit John Brennan for running billions ‘off the books’

New Obamagate docs show Biden LIED about Flynn investigation

The Strategies of Dementia Politics : Hide Biden in the basement till Election Day.

Obama privately admits Biden BARELY up to job, tells him to cut interviews short

Man Killed, Teen Wounded in Seattle Protest Zone Shooting

North Carolina City Bans Protests, Protecting Confederate Monument

How police forces get away with killing more than 1,000 Americans a year

Australian journalist tells US inquiry she was beaten by police at BLM protest

Unemployment Claims in US Rise by 1.3 Million, Now at 30.55 Million

Millions fear eviction without more aid from Congress

Gold Climbs Above $1,800 for the First Time Since 2011

De Blasio agrees to cut $1 billion from New York police budget

Supreme Court refuses to block upcoming federal executions

17,000 BLM protesters tracked by their phones in major cities

Mary Trump’s Tell-All Book Temporarily Blocked in Court




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