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July 19, 2019

Iran says captures British oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz
Breaking News
The vessel named “Stena Impero” had been confiscated when passing through the Strait of Hormuz.   - Continue


A US Led Naval Coalition In The Persian Gulf Will Raise The Threat Of War
By Seyed Mohammad Marandi
Iran will respond to a limited military strike with a massive and disproportionate counterstrike targeting both the aggressor and its enablers.   - Continue


UAE Pullout From Yemen Less About Peace, More About War With Iran
By Finian Cunningham
The Emiratis seem to be reconfiguring their forces do Washington’s bidding for a war on Iran.   - Continue


The World is Dedollarizing
By Peter Koenig
President Trump’s trade war with China will eventually also have a dedollarization effect.   - Continue


Israel's Right Wing Is Worse Than Europe’s
By Zeev Sternhell
The Israeli right, which maintains the settlements with their racist, backward rabbis, is much worse that the European nationalist right.   - Continue


Patriotism, Law, and Allegiance
By James Rothenberg
States are, by degree, adversaries to the people in them. Big Brother is not a relative.   - Continue


Who Killed Oscar and Valeria: The Inconvenient History of the Refugee Crisis
By Ramzy Baroud
It is as if the story of Oscar and Valeria began the moment they decided to cross a river between Mexico and the US, not decades earlier.   - Continue


“Never again means never again. From Palestine to the USA-Mexico border.”
By Robert Fisk
The Nazis believed that their Jews were not German – just as Trump clearly believes that the four congresswomen are not American.   - Continue


Who’s Afraid of William Barr?
By Stephen F. Cohen
Liberals and other Democrats seem to want to cover up the CIA’s role in Russiagate.    - Continue


The Lie Factory—CNN—Is Collapsing.  Thank God.
By Paul Craig Roberts
CNN became a propaganda ministry for the Democratic National Committee and the corrupt upper echelons of the CIA and FBI.    - Continue


It’s Un-American To Be Anti-Free Speech: Protect the Right to Criticize the Government
By John W. Whitehead
To call out the government for its wrongdoing does not make me any less of an American.   - Continue


Humanity Is Not Sleeping; It’s In An Induced Coma
By Caitlin Johnstone
This is a crime against humanity which far surpasses all of the most egregious atrocities in any history book.   - Continue



10 IS alleged militants killed in U.S.-led coalition airstrike in northern Iraq

PKK attacks kill 2 Turkish soldiers in northern Iraq, eastern Turkey

One killed as drone bombs base used by pro-Iran forces in Iraq: The US immediately denied involvement in the attack, which took place in an ethnically and religiously mixed area north of Baghdad.

‘They gave you a Nobel prize for what?’ Trump asks ex-Daesh sex slave

Saudi Arabia’s dilemma as the UAE pulls out of Yemen: Besides the criticism of those leading the unwinnable war in Yemen, there are other reasons why the UAE withdrew from the coalition.

Trump will send 500 troops and F-22 stealth fighter jets to Saudi Arabia

To prevent war with Iran, China could endorse a US-led Gulf military escort scheme

Gibraltar to Detain Iranian Oil Tanker for Another Month

Iran captures two British-operated oil tankers in Strait of Hormuz, UK says seizure of Stena Impero and Mesdar 'unacceptable'

UK Holds Crisis Meeting After Tanker Seizure As Armed Aircraft Protects US Cargo Ship In Gulf

Watch: Iran releases video it says proves US did not destroy drone

Iran says U.S. may have shot down its own drone by mistake

Iran floats offer on nuclear inspections; U.S. skeptical: “If Trump wants more for more, we can ratify the Additional Protocol and he can lift the sanctions he set,” Zarif said.

Rouhani tells Macron Iran determined to 'leave all doors open' to save 2015 deal - TV

Iran grain ships stuck in Brazil without fuel due to U.S. sanctions

Prominent Saudi opposition figure says a revolt is waiting to happen: “The situation in Saudi Arabia could explode at any moment,” he added.

After army’s denial, rights group proves Israel soldier shot child in head with live fire: Nine-year-old ‘Abd a-Rahman a-Shteiwi was shot in the head and remains in hospital.

97 Palestinians, Among Them Paramedics and Journalists, Wounded in Gaza-fence Protests

Gazans flock to fence for 67th week of protests

Israel will allow BDS-backing congresswomen Omar, Tlaib to enter country

In case you missed it: ‘Israel does not want peace’, former Mossad chief says

Ex-Mossad head: Netanyahu voters are ‘ignorant,’ have no moral standards


Nigeria: 6 aid workers missing in Boko Haram attack

Haftar-linked armed gang kidnaps Libya lawmaker


Afghan forces kill 66 militants in 119 joint ops including 5 airstrikes

At least eight killed in blast near Kabul university

Something Just Broke In China As Repo Rate Soars To 1,000% Overnight

India Needs A Strategy To Cut Through the Trump Vs Iran Confrontation

Vietnam demands China withdraw vessel from South China Sea


Boris Johnson Faces a Fight for Survival Before He’s Even Won

Extinction Rebellion launches London 'tax strike': Activists ask Londoners to withhold 22 percent of their council tax to protest slow action on 'climate emergency'.


Julian Assange has dropped appeal against 50-week jail term, court confirms

Caitlin Johnstone: New CNN Assange Smear Piece Is Amazingly Dishonest, Even For CNN

Israel spyware firm can mine data from social media: FT; The NSO Group had "told buyers its technology can surreptitiously scrape all of an individual's data from the servers of Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, according to people familiar with its sales pitch".


Former Peruvian president wanted for corruption to remain in custody

Mexico Rejects the Presence of Venezuelan Opposition at the OAS

Venezuela Denounces EU Attempt to Disrupt Dialogue With Opposition

El Chapo's Life Sentence Inhumane: Mexican President

'Mexico Is Not Ready to Be Safe Third Country', Ambassador Says

The CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists And No One In Congress Is Stopping It From Happening

Pew: 91% Democrats see violence next in war of words: Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could “act” on the politically charged rhetoric with violence.

Trump renews attacks on Democratic congresswoman Omar: - Somali-born U.S. congresswoman Ilhan Omar is "lucky to be where she is," President Donald Trump said on Friday

Rep. Ilhan Omar vows to be 'nightmare' for Trump

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case: Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.

“It’s Going to Be Staggering, the Amount of Names”: As the Jeffrey Epstein Case Grows More Grotesque, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact:

These copycat bills on Sharia law and terrorism have no effect. So why do states keep passing them? A far-right think tank pushed model bills on Sharia law and terrorism in dozens of states. Civil rights groups say the goal was to stoke fear.

Poll Shows Biden Leading Field With 25% Support:

U.S. Military eyes 16-year-olds as ranks and candidates dwindle

WATCH: Cops Assault and Arrest Two Marines for Giving First Aid to an Unconscious Man

Parents Told They Could Lose Kids Over Unpaid School Lunches: A Pennsylvania school district is warning that children could end up in foster care if parents don't pay overdue school lunch bills.

California’s Homeless Crisis Has Reached “Epic Proportions”




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