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July 05, 2020

Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters
By Peter Koenig
It is time to wake up, friends.   - Continue


There Seems to be No Cure for Warmongering Syndrome
By Daniel Larison
H.R. McMaster’s demonstrates how sclerotic and bankrupt Washington has become.   - Continue


Barbarism Begins at Home
By Pepe Escobar
The “indispensable nation” lost its military cutting edge to Russia and is losing its economic/trade preeminence to China..   - Continue


Afghanistan War Exposed: An Imperial Conspiracy
By Empire Files
Abby Martin uncovers the facts about the war on Afghanistan.   - Continue


Let's 'embrace' Israeli annexation and work towards a single democratic state
By Nasim Ahmed
A state founded on territorial, civic nationalism protecting the rights of all people, of all faiths and communities living in the country.   - Continue


Remdesivir for Covid-19: $1.6 Billion for a “Modestly Beneficial” Drug?
By Elizabeth Woodworth
The U.S. has “bought” all Remdesivir for $1.6 billion. “500,000 doses at $3,200 per patient – to be available to American hospitals but not for other countries.   - Continue


Leader of ultra-right militia predicts end of USA and warns of new civil war
By Chris Sweeney
If Biden does win, Hill, like many Trump supporters, is convinced that the Democrat will have “stolen” the election with the FBI’s help.   - Continue


The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro
By Frederick Douglass
A speech given at Rochester, New York, July 5, 1852.   - Continue



44 killed in Daesh, government clashes in Syria

Intense battles continue in Syrian desert: monitor

US invasion forces build new air base in Syria

Turkey says it killed three PKK members in northern Iraq

Iraqi military sets up border posts to prevent Turkish advance as Ankara targets Kurdish rebels

Report: Israeli attack caused Iran nuclear site fire, F35s hit missile base

Iran Hints At Cyber Attacks By Israel or US at Natanz Nuclear Facility; Vows Retaliation

Iran files lawsuit against U.S. over sanctions effects

EU says Iran has triggered nuclear deal dispute mechanism: Citing concerns that Britain, France and Germany are not living up to their side of the deal.

China & Russia Block US’s Arms Embargo Against Iran At UNSC

Why would Iran issue an arrest warrant for Trump?: The warrant is part of a larger Iranian strategy to expose Washington's dishonesty to the international community.

Israeli soldiers in West Bank wound dozens of Palestinians: medics

In Gaza, families plead for help after two infants die awaiting permits for medical treatment in Israel

Russia's Foreign Minister hails Palestinian unity pledge

Hubris: Israel's endgame in Palestine: The blueprints and rationale for the West Bank annexation can be found in the Galilee.

Over 320 LatAm figures call for sanctions on Israel over plans to annex West Bank

Israel Defense Ministry Launches COVID-19 Voice Test for Americans

Turkey: 'UAE uses famine as weapon to impose sovereignty'

On Its Way Into Poverty Lebanon Is At The Crossroads: Lebanon is drifting towards hyperinflation and armed strife.


Over 150 killed in Ethiopia protests – officials

Scores of Boko Haram fighters killed in Northeast Nigeria: military

Nine Mali soldiers killed in ambush: Army

Six killed in Somalia restaurant attack:

Turkey signs a military agreement with Libya’s GNA: Sources

France abandons Haftar, attacks Wagner

Tracking Africa's coronavirus cases


6 militants killed in 2 premature mine blasts in E. Afghanistan

Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani’s Cousin Shot Dead Inside His Home in Kabul

House Democrats, Restrict Trump’s Planned Withdrawal of Troops From Afghanistan and Germany

US spy agencies express doubts over ‘Russian bounties’ allegations, says new report

The New York Times fabricates Russian murder plot

Trump Aide Says People Who Leaked Partial Report on Taliban Bounties to NYT Will 'Go to Jail'

US To Conduct Biggest War Drills In South China Sea Amid India-China Border Tensions


Spain locks down 200,000 as virus mars US Independence Day

French government ministers investigated over virus crisis

EU 'covered up' Croatia's failure to protect migrants from border brutality


Global COVID Cases Over 11 Million, John Hopkins University

WHO Announces Record Daily Increase of 212,000 in Global Cases

Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries

Australia locks down high-rise apartments as virus cases spike

Jane Goodall on conservation, climate change and COVID-19: "If we carry on with business as usual, we're going to destroy ourselves"

Mongolia Quarantines Russian Border Region Over Bubonic Plague Suspicion


Car Wash Case: Brazil's Authorities and FBI Colluded Illegally

COVID-19 Has Been Present In Brazil Since November: Study

George Galloway : UK denying Maduro access to Venezuelan gold is not only THEFT, it’s MURDER

Gunmen kill 26 people in deadly attack on drug rehabilitation centre in Mexico

Mexican soldiers kill 12 in cartel clash near border

Mexico closes border in Arizona as coronavirus cases in both countries surge

United States Breaks a Daunting New Record in Daily Increase of Coronavirus Cases:

Assessment of U.S. COVID-19 Situation Increasingly Bleak

US marks record 57,683 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours:

'People aren't stupid': Pence's spin tests : Vice President has spent the past week trying to convince the American public that things are going well.

Why Texas Governor Abbott's 'Face Mask' Order is NOT What it Seems; The mainstream media, predictably, is mis-reporting the executive order as a "statewide face covering requirement for Texans."

Second wave of virus closures wallops California restaurants

'We need to live with it': White House readies new message for the nation on coronavirus

Public Outcry Follows Decision to Charge $3000 for COVID Drug that Costs Pennies to Produce: To make matter worse, Remdesivir is a drug that “has had its development costs paid for, in large part, by independent donors like governments and ministries of health in China, the WHO, and the US government.”

Coronavirus vaccine rooted in a government partnership is fueling financial rewards for company executives

As pandemic spread accelerates: Wall Street celebrates biggest quarterly surge in more than 20 years

Watch: Horrific Scene As Car Plows Into BLM Protesters On Seattle Freeway

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to work with FBI and name names

Epstein 'Pimp' Maxwell Would Rather Talk About Bill Clinton Than Prince Andrew, Confidante Says

EXCLUSIVE: 'She knows too much': Epstein's victims' lawyer says Ghislaine Maxwell may kill herself or 'be silenced' to stop her spilling secrets

Watch: President Trump speaks at Mount Rushmore July Fourth event Trump planned a fiery Mount Rushmore speech Friday night including denunciations of protesters he says are trying to “tear down” the nation's history

Donald Trump Speech Transcript at Mount Rushmore 4th of July Event - Rev

The Strategies of Dementia Politics: Hide Biden in the basement till Election Day.

War criminal; Clinton says she could beat Trump in 2020, would have handled Covid-19 pandemic better

VIDEO: Young Americans know nothing about 4th of July

To the World, We’re Now America the Racist and Pitiful

Poll shows 62% of Americans no longer see the U.S. as the 'shining city on a hill'




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