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July 02, 2020

World, look away now – these are dark days for the United States
By Janan Ganesh
The world is moving on from American hegemony. - Continue


A Bridge To Far
By Paul Edwards
Americans, lacks the social power needed to break and replace our dirty, dying Empire and its antibiotic system.   - Continue


What if Trump Won’t Leave The White House?
By Peter Van Buren
The fearmongers are at it again, this time with their mantle-holder Biden, warning of the coming dictatorship. - Continue


American exceptionalism is no longer acceptable
By Marco Carnelos
Any nation that claims to hold moral leadership, should not threaten its allies and partners into supporting its case. - Continue


Record 47.2 percent of working-age Americans without jobs
By Shannon Jones
It would take the creation of an additional 30 million jobs to bring the employment-population ratio back to January levels. - Continue


The coming economic crash will be like NOTHING in history
By Professor Richard Wolff
Professor of Economics Richard Wolff explains the dire direction our economy is headed towards. - Continue


"Most People Have No Idea It's Happening NOW!"
By Max Igan
We need to stop complying with our enslavement. - Continue


“Give me Liberty or Give me Covid-19”
By Lawrence Davidson
“Jesus is My Vaccine.” . - Continue


Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s former girlfriend arrested
By Matt Naham
Everything You Need to Know About the Indictment of Ghislaine Maxwell—Jeffrey Epstein’s Accused Partner-in-Crime.   - Continue



IS launches new attack on Syrian forces in desert region

Syrian army confronts U.S. invasion force convoy: Forces convoy to retreat.

Israel’s military attacks in Syria violate the country’s sovereignty say Turkey, Iran and Russia

Iran reports 'accident' at nuclear site, warns enemies

Washington threatens military action against Iran after heated UN meeting

Lebanon blocks Iran cargo ships from docking over US sanctions fears

2 killed in Saudi-led airstrike on northern Yemen: Houthi TV

Aftermath of Saudi-led airstrikes on Sanaa, Yemen

Yemen is experiencing the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world: here’s what to know

Saudis Threaten New Oil-Price War With OPEC Brethren

Palestinians stage day of protests against Israeli annexation plans

Germany votes to take steps to stop Israel’s West Bank annexation plans

Johnson warns Israel against plans to annex part of occupied West Bank

Ramzy Baroud: PA Political Circus: Why Abbas Must Hand the Keys Over to PLO: Opinion


Ethiopia: 81 Killed In Protests Following Singerīs Death

France threatens Turkey with sanctions over Libya intervention

France pulls out of operation off Libya


50 killed in Afghanistan's skirmishes in 24 hours

Propaganda alert: NYTimes: Russia offered terrorists up to $100,000 per US troop killed in Afghanistan

Pentagon: 'No corroborating evidence' yet to validate troop bounty allegations

The NSA strongly disagreed with assessment that Russia paid bounties for the killing of U.S. soldiers

Hong Kong: First arrests under 'anti-protest' law

China is breaking Hong Kong treaty with UK, says Boris Johnson

U.K. Offers a Home to Hong Kong Citizens : UK makes citizenship offer to residents

China warns UK over citizenship offer to Hong Kong people

US seizes shipment of Chinese products over alleged human rights fears

China orders four US media outlets to disclose finances, staff


Majority Of Russians Approve The Constitutional Reform

National security adviser says Trump’s CIA briefer decided not to share Russia bounty intel

Pentagon says ‘no corroborating’ evidence to stand up NYT report on Russian bounties

Three Glaring Problems with the Russian Taliban ‘Bounty’ Story

Italy seizes €1 billion shipment of ISIS-made drugs from Syria


517,647 Deaths worldwide: Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World

Coronavirus: How 'immunity passports' could create an antibody elite


US tries to seize four Iranian tankers sailing towards Venezuela

Half of all coronavirus tests are positive in Mexico, highest in the world

Mexico hasn’t seen coronavirus peak yet, say Johns Hopkins researchers

US judge strikes down Trump border ban aimed at Central Americans

Official U.S. coronavirus death toll is ‘a substantial undercount’ of actual tally, Yale study finds

Pandemic caused 18 pc rise in deaths in US: study

U.S. coronavirus cases soar by more than 50,600 in record single-day jump

Crisis at Houston Hospitals as Coronavirus Cases Surge

Rockland County, Uses Subpoenas as People Resist Contact Tracing

The Trump regime is using the pandemic to halt asylum

GOP senator urges Trump to wear a mask to set example

Dollar's dominance to slowly melt away over coming year:

Nearly half the U.S. population is without a job, showing how far the labor recovery has to go

Unemployment rate is higher than officially recorded, more so for women and certain other groups

Pizza Hut and Wendy’s Operator NPC Files for Bankruptcy

Chomsky: We Must Not Let Masters of Capital Define the Post-COVID World

50% nation’s electorate says won't vote for Donald Trump

Trump vs. Biden: Senility becomes 2020 flashpoint: Senility is becoming an overt line of attack for the first time in a modern U.S. presidential campaign.

James Carville Says ‘Significant Chance’ Trump Drops Out of Race

John Bolton Memoir Sells Over 780,000 Copies in First Week

Dark Days Ahead for America — We’re Finding Out Who We Really Are

Seattle's Chop zone dismantled but cause lives on




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