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February 16/17, 2019

Do You Believe in the Deep State Now?
By Robert W. Merry
The revelation that top Justice officials considered unseating Trump should answer that question for good.   - Continue


Is Tulsi Gabbard for Real? America Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate
By Philip Giraldi
Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the “real thing,” a genuine anti-war candidate who is determined to run on that platform..   - Continue


Understanding Why Iranians Bash the U.S. Government
By Jacob G. Hornberger
Like with other U.S. regime-change operations, no amount of death, suffering, and impoverishment among the Iranian people is considered too high.   - Continue


Hate Fest In Warsaw
By Eric Margolis
Netanyahu, whose nation has at least 100 nuclear weapons, claimed Iran, which has no nukes, was planning a ‘second Holocaust’ for Israel.   - Continue


Anti-semitism vigilantes are feeding the far-right
By Jonathan Cook
This degrading of political language to the point of absurdity isn’t accidental.   - Continue


You should be outraged at what has been done to our country.
By John W. Whitehead
Life in America has become a gut-wrenching, soul-sucking, misery-drenched, demoralizing existence.   - Continue



US kills nearly 12,000 civilians in Syria, Iraq: "Coalition forces" killed 11,800 civilians — including 2,300 children and 1,130 women — in the last four years.

Push on last IS enclave blunted by discovery of 1,000 civilians: Militants are hiding among them and using them as human shields

BBC producer says hospital scenes after 2018 Douma ‘chemical attack’ were staged

Real ‘obscene masquerade’: How BBC depicted staged hospital scenes as proof of Douma chemical attack

From his office in clouded cuckoo land: Donald Trump Claims He Stopped 'Slaughter' of 3 Million People in Syria as He Makes Case for Nobel Peace Prize

Nasrallah: The United States created Deash, while Syrian Army liberated areas from it

Deal between Washington and Daesh to smuggle stolen gold from Syria: Closing a deal by which Washington spared hundreds of the terror organization’s field leaders and experts.

Spain Dismisses U.S. Appeal for NATO Allies to Fill the Void Left in Syria

4 IS militants killed in airstrike in eastern Iraq

Battles intensify in Yemeni-Saudi border: report

Israel training mercenaries for Yemen war in UAE camps in Negev:

Britain's weapons sales to Saudi Arabia unlawful: UK report; The UK is on 'the wrong side of the law' in Yemen by sanctioning weapons exports to Riyadh, the House of Lords says.

Twenty Palestinians, Israeli Officer Wounded in Clashes Along Gaza Refugee Camp Wall

Watch: Apartheid Israel travel restrictions separate this Palestinian girl with leukaemia and her parents

How U.S. politicians use charges of anti-Semitism as a political weapon

Iran rejects 'laughable' anti-Semitism allegations by Pence

Iran warns Pakistan to crack down on Jaish al-Adl: Revolutionary Guard commander says if Pakistan fails to take action at once, Iran will take its own 'revenge'.


Egypt: 22 people killed in an attack in the Sinai Peninsula: Egypt's army

Eight killed in Boko Haram attack in Nigeria


‘No One Survived.’ A Taliban Attack Kills 32 at Remote Afghan Post.

22 militants killed in airstrikes in central Afghanistan

US May Trim Over 1,000 Troops From Afghanistan

India's PM Modi warns Pakistan of strong response to Kashmir attack

John Bolton Says US Backs India's Military Escalation Against Pakistan After Kashmir Attack

'Shoot the traitors': Kashmiris threatened after attack: Calls for revenge attacks against Kashmiris after suicide bomber kills 42 Indian troopers in the disputed region.

Explainer - Jaish-e-Mohammad, the Pakistan-based militants, at heart of tension with India

Pepe Escobar: US elites remain incapable of understanding China


Lavrov says Europeans want better relations after Munich talks

French police fire tear gas as latest 'yellow vest' protests turn violent

Spain PM Sánchez sets snap election for April

Italian bond yields jump as lawmaker says Italy may have to exit EU

There are 40 days until Brexit. Where do things stand?


U.S. investigators probing years of WikiLeaks activities: sources

Planet Earth’s Dubious Future: A Massive Easter Island in the Making

The World Is on the Brink of Widespread Water Wars

Radioactive Fukushima Debris Picked Up By Remote-Controlled Robot For First Time

China Plans To Build Space Solar Station: Chinese scientists have revealed plans to build and launch in orbit a space solar station that could capture the Sun’s rays 24/7, Chinese media report.


Haiti's president defies violent protests, will not step down

In propaganda stunt: US military aircraft to deliver "more aid" to Venezuela border

Watch: "At this moment, humanitarian aid is a colonialist aid to justify the war." Venezuela's UN Ambassador

Maduro wants troops at border with Colombia against US 'provocation'

Maduro Confirms Meeting Between Venezuela's Arreaza and Elliott Abrams

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat a US Military Invasion of Venezuela

Watch: US Venezuela envoy confronted by RT America correspondent over past war crimes

ICE halts force-feeding refugees on hunger strike at El Paso prison

First lawsuit against Trump wall declaration filed in Washington court

Phony Wall, Phony Emergency: The White House is thumbing its nose at Congress, the Constitution and the will of the American people

Trump rests national emergency declaration on border ‘invasion.’ Here are the facts

The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers: From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law

U.S. to slash payouts from 9/11 victims fund: Future awards will be significantly reduced, typically by at least 50 percent, because the fund is running short of money.

Ignoring America’s $22 Trillion Abyss of Debt: Congress has stared into it and realized it doesn't care. This latest spending bill is a travesty.

U.S. Student Debt in ‘Serious Delinquency’ Tops $166 Billion

Deutsche Bank Reverses Pledge to Help Distressed Homeowners: Deutsche Bank AG has decided that none of the more than $4 billion it promised to spend on consumer relief after the global mortgage crisis will go to distressed U.S. homeowners

Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018

Paul Manafort should be jailed for 19-24 years - Mueller

Top Democrat says Trump lawyers provided false information to ethics officials

FOIA Docs Reveal Obama FBI Covered Up "Chart" Of Potential Hillary Clinton Crimes

Capitol Police crackdown on press escalates to physical altercation: “It was insane, people were getting shoved into walls,” McLeod said. “It was unsustainable. It was violent.”

Vatican Defrocks Former Cardinal McCarrick, Finds Him Guilty Of Sex Abuse




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