Associate Disputes Inquiry's Findings
January 25,
2016 "Information
Clearing House"
- This former associate of Alexander
Litvinenko has a radically different view on the
events that led to his death - and it made Ken doubt
the account he has believed for the last ten years.
Dr. Julia Svetlichnaya - worked with
Alexander Litvinenko in the years leading up to his
death and gave evidence at the inquiry.
She refutes its findings that the Russian state
'probably' ordered his killing. He was poisoned with
“Putin likes order: Polonium is chaos,” she told
LBC’s Ken Livingstone and David Mellor. “Putin does
not need to seek extra-judicial methods he uses
judicial methods as weapons.”
She alleges Litvinenko may have been in a plot to
blackmail wealthy individuals or was handling
Polonium for others.
Her arguments raised doubts in Ken’s mind. He was
mayor of London when Litvinenko died.
“Until you came into the studio today, for the last
ten years, I have always belived what I read in the
papers that it was authorised by the Russian
president. You’re the first person to bring doubt to
my mind,” said Ken.
Listen to the whole gripping interview below.