An Open Letter
to President Obama
By Miko
January 18,
2016 "Information
Clearing House"
Herald Tribune " -
America voted for you the first time, many people
were very optimistic. A man with an African Muslim
father, an African Muslim name and what seemed like
a caring heart and a brilliant mind. That was both
refreshing and promising. You came into office with
big promises, your first inaugural address was heard
around the world with ears anticipating change, but
as it turns out it was merely a crescendo of
rhetoric. You promised hope to the poor and
disenfranchised in this country, reconciliation with
the Arab and Muslim world and even peace and justice
in Palestine.
unfortunately you have been a failure and a
disappointment. As a black man, you had an
unprecedented opportunity to address the issues of
Blacks, but you didn’t. You showed no care for Black
lives or for the lives of Blacks in America. You
said little and did even less to stop the killing of
Black men and the mass incarceration of Blacks. You
said nothing and did nothing regarding the over due
payment of reparations to the descendants of slaves,
men and women upon whose backs the US economy was
built. And, if any proof was needed, the outcry of
the Black Lives Matter movement shows that your
priorities were elsewhere.
As things
stand today, even with a President whose middle name
is Hussein, there has never been a worse time to be
an Arab and a Muslim in America. As Commander in
Chief you brought death and destruction on
Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, and now Syria. You did
little to promote peace or justice in Palestine.
In your
inaugural address you said: “To those who
cling to power through corruption and deceit and the
silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong
side of history; but that we will extend a hand if
you are willing to unclench your fist.”
Yet you warmly
held hands with Saudi dictators who silence dissent
by death. Then in Egypt you allowed a military coup
to depose the democratically elected President
Mohammad Morsi, who now awaits execution while
reinforcing the clenched fist of the dictator Abdel
Fatah El-Sisi by allowing the flow of billions of
dollars of foreign aid money into his pockets.
In your
inaugural address you promised us: “America
is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and
child who seeks a future of peace and dignity.”
But even as you were preparing this address, going
through these very words, Israel was bombing Gaza
senselessly, causing the death of over one thousand
innocent civilians and the injury of countless more,
and you said nothing. In Palestine, the prime
example of a place where people seek a future of
peace and dignity, you allowed Israel to continue to
bomb and kill with the full financial, military and
political backing of the United States.
President, for the last seven years you have
given Israel your full support to kill, maim,
arrest and torture men, women and children. The
number of Palestinians made homeless, the number
of Palestinian children arrested and abused and
the number of Palestinian refugees waiting to
return to their homes is getting higher by the
minute, yet you supported Israel.
Mr. President,
in the summer of 2014, when Israel murdered
thousands of Palestinian civilians, and young
Palestinians in Gaza fought bravely to defend their
homes and their families, futile though it may have
been, instead of supporting those who seek peace and
dignity, you chose to provide Israel with more arms
and more money.
Though you
claimed, “for those who seek to advance their aims
by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we
say to you now that our spirit is stronger and
cannot be broken.” Then you allowed Netanyahu to
disgrace you, to walk, like Cesar marching into
Rome, his hands stained with Palestinian blood into
Congress. He was a victor, while you cowered away in
some corner and let him spew his hateful lies.
Where, Mr. President was your spirit then?
But though you
were a disappointment, though you have failed us,
there is one window of opportunity available to you,
if you wish to redeem yourself. For the past seven
years, five innocent men sit in federal prison
falsely charged and wrongly convicted on charges of
material support for a terrorist organization. These
five men are referred to as the HLF-5, or the Holy
Land Foundation Five. If you take the time to review
this case, you will see what I and many others have
seen and said, that in this case, the entire
judicial system had been taken hostage, the
constitution, the laws that govern the land, the
regulations by which government agencies are
supposed to function have all been placed on hold in
order to convict five innocent men.
In reviewing
this case you, Mr. President will see what many have
us have seen and continue to see, that pressure by
Israel, post 9/11 hysteria, prosecutorial over reach
and a cowardice of the members of the judiciary have
led five good innocent men into a living hell. Five
family men, men who came to this country and
contributed to their community, men who wanted
nothing but to help others, must now live caged like
George W Bush using executive order 13224 shut down
the Holy land Foundation, once the largest Muslim
charity in this country, in December of 2001 and now
you must reverse this order, reinstate the
Foundation, exonerate the five men in federal prison
and order that an apology be given to them, their
families and the entire Arab and Muslim community in
America. Then you must order that they be
compensated and the money taken from them be
returned with the appropriate interest.
The closure of
HLF brought misery not only to the five men and
their family. It brought fear and anxiety to
America’s finest communities, the Muslim and Arab
communities. Furthermore, this closure ended crucial
help to the poor, the fatherless, the homeless and
the needy in Palestine. In the words of Mohammad
Abumoharam, a local social worker in Gaza, “I cannot
possibly find words to convey the level of poverty
and suffering that exists in Palestine in general
and in Gaza in particular. HLF has been able to
significantly alleviate the suffering of thousands
in Palestine, giving them some hope for a better
life.” The closure of the HLF and the freezing of
their assets by the government stopped all that.
Until the
seizure of its assets on December 4, 2001, the Holy
Land Foundation provided charitable and humanitarian
aid to refugees, orphans, victims of human and
natural disasters, and other poor and needy persons
and entities throughout the world, without regard to
faith or political affiliation. Among its other
charitable and humanitarian work, Holy Land has
organized aid to victims of the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks; it has provided assistance to
victims and relief workers at the Oklahoma City
bombing site; to victims of flooding in Oklahoma and
Iowa; to victims of riots in Los Angeles; to tornado
victims in Fort Worth; to the needy in Paterson, New
Jersey; to earthquake victims in Turkey and India;
to victims of the Bosnian and Kosovo conflicts; to
victims of the conflict in Chechnya; to victims of
flooding in Mozambique; and to refugees, orphans,
and other persons and entities in need in the West
Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, and Jordan.
Mr. President,
this case is an embarrassment to the United States
government, the US Department of Justice, and the
entire US judicial system. In one year you will be
out of office. At fifty-five you will have been a
two term president, the first half African half
American President, and you are undoubtedly going to
be one of the richest men on earth. What will be
your legacy? You sir, have the opportunity, indeed
the responsibility to release without delay, Ghassan
Elashi, Shukri Abu-Baker, Mufid Abdulqader,
Abdulrahman Odeh and Mohammad El-Mezzaine, also
known as the HLF-5. Please do not disappoint us
Miko Peled
am currently working on a book about the HLF, which
I hope to publish in 2016. I hope I will be able to
mention that as president you facilitated the
freeing of these five fine men and righting this
terrible wrong.
Originally appeared at
American Herald Tribune |