Remember When U.S. Officials Loved Assad?
By Jacob G. Hornberger
October 22, 2015 "Information
Clearing House" - "FFF
" - President Obama and his mouthpieces in the
mainstream press are outraged that Russian President Vladimir Putin
is partnering with Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad in the global war on
terrorism. “Doesn’t Putin realize that
Assad is a dictator?”
they exclaim. “Why doesn’t Putin instead work with the U.S. to oust
Assad from power? they ask.
Putin’s position is that Assad is a great partner
in the global war on terrorism and, therefore, should not be ousted
from power. Putin and Assad say that the rebels who are firing on
government troops are the terrorists who need to be killed as part
of global the war on terrorism. They ask why the U.S. government is
supporting terrorists when it purports to be against terrorism.
The Putin-Assad position is, in fact, no different
from that of Egyptian military dictator Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,
who says that the people who are trying to overthrow his
dictatorship are terrorists. Interestingly enough, the U.S.
government, which partners with el-Sisi by providing him with
hundreds of millions of dollars in weaponry, agrees with el-Sisi.
That’s why U.S. national-security state officials and their
national-security state counterparts in Egypt stand together in
their war on terrorism against the Egyptian “terrorists” who are
trying to overthrow el-Sisi’s military dictatorship.
So, what’s the difference? Why does the U.S.
government partner with the dictatorship in Egypt to wage the war on
terrorism against Egyptian rebels but then supports the Syria rebels
who are trying to oust the dictatorship in Syria?
There is another complication in all this. Guess
who else used to be the U.S. government’s partner in its global war
on terrorism.
Yep! You guessed it! None other than Assad and his
brutal Syrian dictatorship — the dictatorship that Putin is
supporting and that the U.S. Empire is now opposing.
How’s that for irony? Indeed, how’s that for
hypocrisy and speaking with a forked tongue?
Guess what the Syria dictatorship did in its role
as the U.S. government’s partner in the global war on terrorism. It
did what dictatorships are good at: Torture. The Syrian dictatorship
tortured people on behalf of the U.S. national-security
Why use Syria to torture people? Well, in that way
U.S. officials could secure information from suspected terrorists,
while at the same time, exclaiming, “We’re innocent! We had no idea
that the information was going to be secured by torture when we
renditioned the victim to one of our dictatorial partners.”
Recall the case of Maher Arar. He’s a Canadian
citizen who was returning home from an overseas trip on an itinerary
that took him through Dulles International Airport, where he was to
change planes. While doing so, U.S. officials took him into custody
and accused him of being a terrorist.
Arar vehemently denied that he was a terrorist and
requested to see a lawyer. Notwithstanding the Bill of Rights, which
guarantees all persons, not just U.S. citizens, the right to
counsel, U.S. officials said that because he was a foreigner, he
wouldn’t be allowed to have an attorney.
Finally, U.S. officials told Arar that they were
deporting him, only not to Canada, where he and his family lived,
but rather to Syria, where he was born.
Guess what happened to Arar when he got to Syria.
Assad’s national-security state goons proceeded to subject him to
the most brutal torture imaginable … for more than a year! Finally,
at the end of all this, the Syrian torturers acknowledged that they
had an innocent man on their hands and released Arar, whereupon he
was permitted to return to Canada.
U.S. officials maintained that they were entirely
innocent in the affair. They said that they were just innocently
deporting Arar to Syria and had no idea that he was going to be
But it was all a lie because when Arar filed suit
against U.S. officials for kidnapping him and delivering him into
the clutches of their Syrian partners, U.S. officials requested the
federal judiciary to dismiss the suit on grounds of “state secrets”
— that is, that if the U.S. government were required to defend the
suit, it would have to disclose secret methods and procedures it
uses in its global war on terrorism.
But wait a minute! If it was just an innocent
deportation to Syria, then how could that involve secret methods and
procedures as part of the U.S. global war on terrorism?
In any event, the federal courts, following the
same deference to authority the Syrian federal courts show the
Syrian national-security state establishment, accepted the argument
and dismissed Arar’s suit.
What U.S. officials were obviously trying to keep
secret was the process by which the CIA, which ultimately took Arar
into its custody and transported him from Dulles to the Middle East,
struck the torture deal with its deep-state counterparts within the
Syrian regime.
Think about it: In order to arrive at a deal,
conversations between Syrian and U.S. officials had to take place on
a very secret basis. The Syrian torturers would have to know, for
example, what questions their U.S. partners wanted them to ask Arar.
And in fact, Arar said that the questions he was asked under Syrian
torture were much the same questions that U.S. officials were asking
him when he was being held prisoner here in the United States.
How did the torture deal get struck? Did President
George W. Bush and President Assad talk about the deal? What were
the terms of the deal? Was it put into writing? Was any money or
other consideration exchanged? What was the nature of the general
partnership between the deep-state officials within the U.S.
government and those of the Syrian government?
We don’t know the answers to any of those
questions because they constitute “state secrets” that neither Arar
nor the American people are entitled to know. Not surprisingly,
Congress never held any hearings to get to the bottom of the
U.S.-Syrian torture partnership. Also not surprisingly, the
mainstream press never asked for the details of the partnership or
how the rendition-torture deal involving Arar came to be and the
exact terms of the deal.
But we do know one thing: The United States,
Syria, and Assad were once loyal partners, just as Russia, Syria,
and Assad are today. Just ask Maher Arar. He’ll tell you all about
that partnership and what it did to him.
Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of
The Future of Freedom Foundation.
© The Future of Freedom
See also -
Bashar al-Assad Not a Dictator, Says Former
British Ambassador to Syria:
Ex-diplomat Andrew Green defends Syrian ruler and accuses No 10 spin
of failing to understand situation on the ground
Kerry's cosy dinner with Syria's 'Hitler'
Secretary of State and the man he likened to
German dictator are pictured dining with their wives at Damascus
restaurant before civil war broke out.
An astonishing photograph of
John Kerry having a cozy and intimate dinner with Bashar al-Assad
has emerged at the moment the U.S Secretary of State is making the
case to bomb the Syrian dictator's country and remove him from
Kerry, who compared Assad to
Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein yesterday, is pictured around a
small table with his wife Teresa Heinz and the Assads in 2009.