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Obama Announces Readiness To Accept Another $1 Billion In Bribes

By Moon Of Alabama

August 17, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Moon Of Alabama" - U.S. President Barack Obama declared his willingness to take in another $1 billion in bribes. He intends to use the money to bolster his ego.

As service in return Obama is offering certain political preferences during the rest of his time in office as well as selected lobbying activities after he leaves office. Bribes from particular industrial sectors will be considered as privileged.

The above is the translated content of a NYT piece today which describes Obama plans after leaving his office. For comparison parts of the long form follows:

Privately, [Mr.Obama] is preparing for his postpresidency with the same fierce discipline and fund-raising ambition that characterized the 2008 campaign that got him to the White House.
[T]he president, first lady and a cadre of top aides map out a postpresidential infrastructure and endowment they estimate could cost as much as $1 billion.
Shailagh Murray, a senior adviser, oversees an effort inside the White House to keep attention on Mr. Obama’s future and to ensure that his final 17 months in office, barring crises, serve as a glide path to his life as an ex-president.
[O]fficials in the West Wing said the president’s thinking about some of his signature issues — including health care, economic inequality and fighting climate change — also involves considering their incorporation into his life after January 2017.
The heart of the postpresidential planning is Mr. Obama’s own outreach to eclectic, often extraordinarily rich groups of people.
The advisers said [the director Steven] Spielberg was focused on helping to develop a “narrative” for Mr. Obama in the years after he leaves office.

At a dinner this year at Spruce, a restaurant in the Presidio Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, Mr. Obama urged technology executives to focus their philanthropic efforts on helping government become more efficient, giving some the impression that the topic would most likely be a theme of his agenda after leaving office.

The "technology executives" will have understood. Pay Obama and he will take care that the government will have to buy many more of their technology products to "become more efficient". Ditto for the other sectors mentioned.

Click for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.

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