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Sanders the Giant Slayer -- First, Topple the Bad Queen

By Robert S. Becker

June 21, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is not the first obstacle, for any "radical" underdog in quest of primary election upsets, to expose the "safe" frontrunner as anything but? Not just as misguided, dishonest, and packed with infamous backers, but a vulnerable loser even against a rightwing clown so bizarre there'd be nostalgia for Dubya. Well, not quite. Thus, the first array of trials for upstart Bernie Sanders: roil the field, dislodge the fat cat favorite, then plunge into the mayhem of the miraculous.

Just like Obama did in '08, arguably his greatest single feat. What if by 2050 Obama's notoriety has nothing to do with his perverse presidential loyalty to the status quo but his shocking triumph six months before his first election? What if this first Hillary slayer, stopping cold an even more regressive reign, is his great historic marker? What if the future plays up Obama's role as the David who vetoed eight years of Clinton Plutocracy 101, run by a gang of her Foundation Goliaths? Obama's betrayals aside, one may still dread worse loomed (and looms) on the horizon. Apparently, this Goliath returns from the dead, inviting a second slingshot of stones.

Okay, Obama the phony "systemic reformer" morphed into Hillary-ite, even a Dubya clone, one of history's nasty little jokes. Yet, who doubts any Second Clinton Coming won't prove more hawkish and more WS-friendly than Clinton I or Obama? Give the smaller devil his due, trumping the Clinton juggernaut from handing off the baton from the husband who triangulated our politics, pushing NAFTA and banishing Glass-Steagall. Would not this weird inheritance match the horrors of Papa Bush doing the same, first to the older dimwit, now to Jeb, so far a political halfwit? Thank God when that lineage dries up.

Thus, my not so modest, opening gambit for Bernie Sanders: duplicate Obama, exile the bad queen, open the floodgates. That alone won't redeem decades of painful progressive defeats, but counting our blessings beats enduring more disasters. If he does nothing else (hardly my projection), an empowered Sanders postpones the death of the Democratic Party some four or eight years. Not enough for you? Hardship and desperation make for appreciation of the plausibly positive.

The Anti-Sanders Brigade

In those terms, I defy Chris Hedges' logic that scoffs at any "energy invested in these elections, including championing Bernie Sanders' ill-advised decision to validate the Democratic Party" as an unequivocal "waste of time." No movement that reduces the widespread cynical malaise towards elections, beyond any conceivable third party leverage, and sends a sleazy dinosaur packing refutes Hedges' overstated "electoral farce." Offsetting the smash mouth bloodsport that is American politics (Trump, Paul, Cruz, Clinton), any leading light who dispatches Hillary, ever more dangerous than Obama as a gnarled Washington denizen, deserves support.

That doesn't deny Hedges' more pertinent observations, "The specter of meaningless presidential elections caters" to "the idiocy" of personality soap operas, the production of media- and billionaire-run parades. That's exactly why Sanders is gaining traction, as his gritty, anti-plutocracy, anti-inequality and anti-corruption manifesto spotlights outmoded, bipartisan idiocy. Just saying No to the "inevitable" winner awards Sanders even greater importance than Obama's '08 upset. This final exile dramatizes majority judgment HC should not run (I mean, ruin) anything beyond the (indictable) family Foundation.

Further, spoiler role aside, Sanders' role as breakthrough political educator for the uninvolved or uninformed will transform mindsets and the national debate. He will certainly renew that lost '60's commitment to justice for all across real-world politics and government. If the pendulum is ever to reverse, Sanders today looks to be our best instrument. What more independent or forthright figure provides to the distressed a vision, if not an agenda that things can be different, if not better? What other daring (if measured) "socialist" defines a populist platform that might eventually revitalize the stagnating role of third parties to push civilized goals?

Winning Isn't Everything

In short, Sanders offers progressives the best way not to "waste time" this season. And that doesn't depend on his winning the nomination or the White House but 1) derailing the Clinton train (and WH train wreck), 2) dramatizing the unspeakably expensive "costs" to everything and everybody to sustain income and asset inequality (the issue of this era), and 3) countering voter cynicism, on the left and right, about campaigns, elections, politics, and government. Who else comes close? What other option is there?

In this context, I anticipate historians to come will excoriate Obama not only for his rightwing agenda but setting up, then squandering for a generation chances for a New New Deal. It was Obama's bait-and-switch hustle (powered by brilliant campaigns) that played on, then dashed reform hopes on the stultifying, status quo rocks. Sanders offers respite from this unending shipwreck.

Finally, that returns us to Hedges' still tenuous optimism, "there is, however, a new, emergent consciousness. It has not reached the majority. But it has reached enough of the minority to make resistance possible." That most visible political minority now stands with Bernie, and whether we're talking resistance or evolution or revolution remains to be seen. If successful, the Sanders' movement can stagger HC across NY, CA, IL, OR, WA, VT, and MA, among others. There's no evidence yet Sanders will automatically "sheepdog" Democratic voters into Clinton's camp or the craven corporatism party leaders represent. Unintended or complex consequences still rule the day.

Bernie the Giant Slayer

"Bernie the Giant Slayer" is good enough to justify rallying the protest forces, reinforced by his humane and moral notions of justice, reviving our true national "exceptionalism." There is nothing "idiotic" about deposing a bad queen (linked to a suspect king) so we challenge plutocracy triumphant. If BS's earnest, self-effacing honesty can topple Hillary, elbowing this Humpty-Dumpty off the wall, that glorious disruption invites more Black Swans. A bank of Black Swans could feel dispel rows of arrogant, disgraced WS bankers, even beyond the $30 billion in fines and penalties paid in the last two years. And the Koch Bros. conspiracy.

Why, Sanders could even corral Hedge's "emergent consciousness" and turn it into some thing far more visible, potent, and publicly decisive. And combining resistance with disobedience could incite the progressive movement -- one that outlives Bernie Sanders, but not without gratitude to him for the courage to confront and define, even threaten the dark forces of American politics and crony capitalism. For me it's never "idiotic" or a waste of time to openly, repeatedly reprimand the 1% for acting as if it owns everything, like every election. Not quite yet.

See also

Sanders delivers blistering condemnation of business, billionaires: Breathing a progressive political fire, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ignited Colorado supporters with a blistering condemnation of billionaires and corporations, drawing a crowd of nearly 5,000 to Denver — the largest of his Democratic presidential campaign since the May kickoff.

Three Issues Candidate Sanders Didn’t Address at His L.A. Fundraiser: The independent socialist said a lot of the right things, but he avoided the topics of foreign policy and Edward Snowden. Also, what’s his real motivation for running?

Ralph Nader: Trump for President? Giving GOP nightmares: If he is still campaigning by Labor Day, watch out Republicans! He will be a big nightmare for Republican contenders – from Jeb Bush to Ted Cruz, from John Kasich to Scott Walker.


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