Where Is Our Sophie now, do any
exist? I don't think so, we are the
generations that have shut our eyes to our
nations crimes. What's your opinion: Tom
Sophie was born in May 1921, the fourth
of six children to an upper-middle class
family in the south of Germany. Robert, her
father, was mayor of Forchtenberg, an
idyllic town in the northeast of the modern
state of Baden-Württemberg. When Sophie was
10, the family moved to Ulm, a mid-size
southern town dating back to the Middle
Ages, where her father worked as state
auditor and tax consultant.
After the Nazis came to power in January
1933, Sophie, along with most of her
siblings, was an excited and happy follower
of the National Socialist cult of youth. The
teenager believed in the ideals propagated
at the time. Similar to many of their
contemporaries, Sophie was particularly
intrigued by the focus on nature and
communal experiences. She joined the BDM,
the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German
Girls) and quickly rose in their ranks. The
parents, especially her father, did not like
their children’s’ involvement in the Nazi
youth groups and made no secret about it. A
critic of the party from the beginning, who
had raised their children firmly grounded in
the Christian tradition, Robert Scholl
viewed the developments in Germany and their
children’s interest in Nazism with growing
fear and horror. Lively discussions were a
daily occurrence at the dinner table,
teaching the children the value of open and
honest conversation—a rarity at the time.
Sophie’s siblings, especially her oldest
brother Hans, later to become a founding
member of the Weiße Rose, also were members
of non-Nazi groups of young people. These
associations shared and propagated a love
for nature, outdoor adventures, as well as
the music, art and literature of German
Romanticism. Originally seen as compatible
with Nazi ideology by many, these
alternative groups were slowly dissolved and
finally banned by 1936. Hans remained active
in one such group, however, and was arrested
in 1937 along with several of the Scholl
siblings. This arrest left a mark on
Sophie’s conscience and began the process
that eventually turned her from happy
supporter of the Nazi system to active
resistance fighter.
On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland
and two days later, France and Britain
declared war on Germany. The older Scholl
brothers were sent off to fight on the
front. Sophie’s life in Ulm changed as well.
She graduated high school in the spring of
1940 and started an apprenticeship to become
a kindergarten teacher. She eventually
wanted to study biology and philosophy. In
order to be admitted, students had to spend
a period of time working for the state in
the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD; National Labor
Service). Sophie’s hopes that becoming a
teacher would allow her to substitute for
the RAD were quashed and she instead had to
enter the service in the spring of 1941. She
hated it. The military-like regimen and
mind-numbing routine caused her to find
solace in her own spirituality, guided by
readings of theologian Augustine of Hippo.
She wrote down her thoughts, noting that her
“soul was hungry"—she longed for an
autonomous life, an end to the war, and for
happiness with her boyfriend Fritz Hartnagel,
who was now fighting on the Eastern front.
Her doubts about the regime grew.
When she finally moved to Munich to study
biology and philosophy in May 1942, her
brother Hans, a medical student at the same
university, and some of his friends had
already begun to actively question the
system. Serving on the Eastern Front, they
learned about the crimes committed in Poland
and Russia first hand and saw the misery
with their own eyes. They knew they couldn’t
remain quiet. Starting in June 1942, they
began printing and distributing leaflets in
and around Munich, calling their fellow
students and the German public to action.
Other members of their circle joined in the
endeavor, writing four pamphlets until the
fall of the same year. As a student, Sophie
had seen the flyers and applauded their
content as well as their authors’ courage to
speak truth to power. When she found out
about her brother’s involvement, she
demanded to join the group. She did not want
to stay passive anymore.
The White Rose was a small endeavor with
large consequences. At its core were
siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl, their
fellow students Alexander Schmorell, Willi
Graf, Christoph Probst, and a professor of
philosophy and musicology at the University
of Munich, Kurt Huber. Together they
published and distributed six pamphlets,
first typed on a typewriter, then multiplied
via mimeograph. At first, they only
distributed them via mail, sending them to
professors, booksellers, authors, friends
and others—going through phone books for
addresses and hand-writing each envelope. In
the end, they distributed thousands,
reaching households all over Germany.
Acquiring such large amounts of paper,
envelopes, and stamps at a time of strict
rationing without raising suspicion was
problematic, but the students managed by
engaging a wide-ranging network of
supporters in cities and towns as far north
as Hamburg, and as far south as Vienna.
These networks were also activated to
distribute the pamphlets, attempting to
trick the Gestapo into believing the White
Rose had locations all across the country.
In reading the group’s leaflets today, one
cannot help but think of how chillingly
accurate they were in their accusations and
calls to action, and the powerful insights
they provide about Nazi Germany: The third
pamphlet reads:
“Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of
evil. We know that already, I hear you
object, and we don’t need you to reproach us
for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you
know that, then why don’t you act? Why do
you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing
you, in public and in private, of one right
after another, until one day nothing,
absolutely nothing, remains but the
machinery of the state, under the command of
criminals and drunkards?”
White Rose Pamphlet
In their attempt to gain traction for the
resistance and to stop the war effort, they
gave clear advice and advocated sabotage of
Hitler’s war machine. Their fifth pamphlet
stated: “And now every convinced opponent of
National Socialism must ask himself how he
can fight against the present ‘state’ in the
most effective way….We cannot provide each
man with the blueprint for his acts, we can
only suggest them in general terms, and he
alone will find the way of achieving this
end: Sabotage in armament plants and war
industries, sabotage at all gatherings,
rallies, public ceremonies, and
organizations of the National Socialist
Party. Obstruction of the smooth functioning
of the war machine….Try to convince all your
acquaintances…of the senselessness of
continuing, of the hopelessness of this war;
of our spiritual and economic enslavement at
the hands of the National Socialists; of the
destruction of all moral and religious
values; and urge them to passive
In January 1943, the group felt empowered
and hopeful. Their activism seemed to be
working, rattling the authorities and
sparking discussions amongst their peers.
Their group was well-organized and they were
about to set up even more connections to
other underground resistance groups.
Observing the political situation in Germany
in January of 1943, Sophie and the White
Rose members believed a change in the
country was imminent. The German army’s
disastrous defeat at Stalingrad was a
turning point on the Eastern Front, and
voices of dissent grew louder at the
University of Munich after students were
publicly called out as leeches and war
resisters. This encouraged them to work more
boldly, distributing the flyers directly in
person and writing slogans like “Down with
Hitler” and “Freedom” on the walls around
Munich. Their sixth—and last—pamphlet reads:
“Even the most dull-witted German has had
his eyes opened by the terrible bloodbath,
which, in the name of the freedom and honour
of the German nation, they have unleashed
upon Europe, and unleash anew each day. The
German name will remain forever tarnished
unless finally the German youth stands up,
pursues both revenge and atonement, smites
our tormentors, and founds a new
intellectual Europe. Students! The German
people look to us! The responsibility is
ours: just as the power of the spirit broke
the Napoleonic terror in 1813, so too will
it break the terror of the National
Socialists in 1943.”
Hans and Sophie distributed them at their
university on February 18, for their fellow
students to find walking between classes. At
some point, in what we can assume was an
attempt to make even more people see the
flyers, Sophie pushed a stack off a railing
unto the central hall. What is now an iconic
scene in every movie and documentary about
the group, was the moment that changed
everything. The pamphlet drop was seen by a
janitor, a staunch supporter of the Nazis,
who had Hans and Sophie immediately arrested
by the Gestapo. The draft for the seventh
pamphlet was still in Hans’ bag, which led
to Christoph Probst’s arrest the same day.
White Rose Pamphlet
In their attempt to gain traction for the
resistance and to stop the war effort, they
gave clear advice and advocated sabotage of
Hitler’s war machine. Their fifth pamphlet
stated: “And now every convinced opponent of
National Socialism must ask himself how he
can fight against the present ‘state’ in the
most effective way….We cannot provide each
man with the blueprint for his acts, we can
only suggest them in general terms, and he
alone will find the way of achieving this
end: Sabotage in armament plants and war
industries, sabotage at all gatherings,
rallies, public ceremonies, and
organizations of the National Socialist
Party. Obstruction of the smooth functioning
of the war machine….Try to convince all your
acquaintances…of the senselessness of
continuing, of the hopelessness of this war;
of our spiritual and economic enslavement at
the hands of the National Socialists; of the
destruction of all moral and religious
values; and urge them to passive
In January 1943, the group felt empowered
and hopeful. Their activism seemed to be
working, rattling the authorities and
sparking discussions amongst their peers.
Their group was well-organized and they were
about to set up even more connections to
other underground resistance groups.
Observing the political situation in Germany
in January of 1943, Sophie and the White
Rose members believed a change in the
country was imminent. The German army’s
disastrous defeat at Stalingrad was a
turning point on the Eastern Front, and
voices of dissent grew louder at the
University of Munich after students were
publicly called out as leeches and war
resisters. This encouraged them to work more
boldly, distributing the flyers directly in
person and writing slogans like “Down with
Hitler” and “Freedom” on the walls around
Munich. Their sixth—and last—pamphlet reads:
“Even the most dull-witted German has had
his eyes opened by the terrible bloodbath,
which, in the name of the freedom and honour
of the German nation, they have unleashed
upon Europe, and unleash anew each day. The
German name will remain forever tarnished
unless finally the German youth stands up,
pursues both revenge and atonement, smites
our tormentors, and founds a new
intellectual Europe. Students! The German
people look to us! The responsibility is
ours: just as the power of the spirit broke
the Napoleonic terror in 1813, so too will
it break the terror of the National
Socialists in 1943.”
Hans and Sophie distributed them at their
university on February 18, for their fellow
students to find walking between classes. At
some point, in what we can assume was an
attempt to make even more people see the
flyers, Sophie pushed a stack off a railing
unto the central hall. What is now an iconic
scene in every movie and documentary about
the group, was the moment that changed
everything. The pamphlet drop was seen by a
janitor, a staunch supporter of the Nazis,
who had Hans and Sophie immediately arrested
by the Gestapo. The draft for the seventh
pamphlet was still in Hans’ bag, which led
to Christoph Probst’s arrest the same day.
The three endured a mock trial after
long and arduous interrogations.
They took all blame for the White
Rose’s actions. This attempt to save
their friends from persecution
failed in the end, and Willi Graf,
Alexander Schmorell, and Kurt Huber
were arrested later in February and
put to death shortly after.
a half-day trial led by the infamous
Roland Freisler, president of the
People’s Court, Hans, Sophie, and
Christoph were sentenced to death
for treason. Despite this horrific
prospect, Sophie did not waver.
Freisler asked her as the closing
question whether she hadn’t “indeed
come to the conclusion that [her]
conduct and the actions along with
[her] brother and other persons in
the present phase of the war should
be seen as a crime against the
community?” Sophie answered:
“I am, now as before, of the
opinion that I did the best that
I could do for my nation. I
therefore do not regret my
conduct and will bear the
consequences that result from my
Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, and
Christoph Probst were executed by
guillotine on February 22, 1943.
While their deaths were only
barely mentioned in German
newspapers, they received attention
abroad. In April, The New York
Times wrote about student
opposition in Munich. In June 1943,
Thomas Mann, in a BBC broadcast
aimed at Germans, spoke of the White
Rose’s actions. The text of the
sixth leaflet was smuggled into the
United Kingdom where they were
reprinted and dropped over Germany
by Allied planes in July of the same
Tanja B. Spitzer, a native of
Germany who came to New Orleans a
little over a decade ago to study at
Tulane University, is an expert on
transatlantic history and cultural
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