Cutting child poverty was not worth it
if it could even be theorized that rich
people might end up slightly less rich.
By Joe Hughes
December 22, 2022:
Information Clearing
-- Late Monday
afternoon, Congressional leaders
announced their long-awaited omnibus
spending package which will fund the
government through September 2023. The
good news: the bill does not include
needless corporate tax giveaways. The
bad news: it also leaves out any
expansion of the Child Tax Credit.
Ultimately, the
conservative position on the credit
triumphed. The credit was not worth the
cost if it cost, well anything.
This fall, as lobbyists descended on
the Hill to pressure Congress into
passing a set of corporate tax breaks
before the year's end, some progressive
activists and lawmakers settled on a
strategy to make any potential tax
package at least mildly palatable: Tax
breaks for businesses must be paired
with an extension of the Child Tax
Credit enhancements that were enacted in
Those enhancements increased the
credit from $2,000 to $3,000 and to
$3,600 for children under age 6, but
more significantly, they removed limits
on the refundable part of the credit,
which helps families who most need it.
Under permanent law (the credit that was
in effect for years before and after
2021), the tax code actually states that
certain families make too little money
to receive the full credit. That is, a
credit which is supposed to help
children is denied to them if they are
too poor. Last year, all children could
receive the full credit if their family
income was less than $150,000 (or less
than $112,500 for most single parents).
The 2021 credit enhancement also made
the credit available to families in
monthly installments to help match their
normal household expenses rather than as
a year-end lump sum.
The results of the credit
enhancements were
dramatic and immediate. Child
poverty was cut nearly in half. The 2021
credit pulled more people above the
poverty line than SNAP and unemployment
insurance combined. The enhanced credit
was especially important for Black and
Hispanic families. As a result of
Congress's failure to extend the credit
ITEP estimates that 45 percent of
Black children and 42 percent of
Hispanic children will not receive the
full credit next year because the
arbitrary limits on the refundable
portion of the credit are in effect
Given the enormous success of the
2021 credit, many progressive groups
were at least open to an unsavory
package of tax breaks for big businesses
if lawmakers would in turn help children
and families by enhancing the Child Tax
Credit. The tax package pushed by
corporate lobbyists included a
deduction for "research" that was
promoted by companies making frozen
foods and casino games, an
interest deduction that would
encourage private equity funds to load
up companies with debt, and a
bonus depreciation break that would
accomplish little aside from allowing
big companies to save billions on their
tax bills.
Sen. Sherrod Brown framed the
position of many progressives succinctly
this September
when he said, "No more tax breaks
for big corporations and the wealthy
unless the Child Tax Credit is with it.
I'll lay down in front of a bulldozer on
that one."
Conservative lawmakers dutifully
expressed their own position on the
issue. Cutting child poverty was not
worth it if it could even be theorized
that rich people might end up slightly
less rich. The White House, for its
part, signaled that it could be flexible
on the details of a CTC expansion that
could be part of such a deal.
But ultimately, the conservative
position on the credit triumphed. The
credit was not worth the cost if it
cost, well anything. That included
Republicans giving up their own package
of corporate tax breaks. Perhaps they
believe they can get a better deal next
Congress with the House Republican
majority. Let's hope that Sen. Brown
carries his promise into the new year.
In the end, there should be few tears
shed that the corporate lobbyists lost
on this one. But there is a certain
amount of ire that rises up inside one's
heart knowing the only thing that could
kill Congress' appetite for corporate
tax breaks is a simple request that they
boost the economic security of children
and families as well.