By Gary D. BarnettFebruary 22, 2020 "Information
Clearing House" - Those
that prevent disease and expose virus creation are
heroic, but those that create and purposely spread
disease and virus are inhuman. Given the history of
the United States government and its military
industrial complex concerning biological and germ
warfare, the use of these agents against large
populations, and the desire to create agents that
are race specific strains, these powerful entities
have become compassionless purveyors of death to the
innocent. Manmade viruses meant for warfare, whether
for economic destruction, starvation, or mass death,
are the workings of the truly evil among us.
Predation at this level is relegated to those in
power; a president for example, could give the order
to wipe out millions due to his inability to control
a problem he caused and perpetuated, and then lay
blame on the victims.
Who would ever have believed that modern warfare
could be more brutal, more torturous, more painful,
and more harmful to innocents, especially children,
than past atrocities committed in war. Memories of
millions sent to their deaths fighting in trenches,
cities obliterated by atomic bombs, entire countries
destroyed, and millions purposely left to starve in
order to appease some tyrant or elected “leader.” I
once thought that nuclear war would signal the end
of life as we know it, but considering modern
warfare and technology, I now think that
uncontrolled and deadly viruses may consume the
world population, as one after another poisons are
released as acts of hidden war. There can be no end
to this madness, as any retaliation in kind will
result in the spread of worldwide disease; all
created by man.
The new Coronavirus, (2019
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
one in a line of many that were not just likely but
most certainly produced by man in laboratories, is
affecting almost exclusively the Chinese at this
point. This has seemingly opened the floodgates to
speculation as to its exact origin. This virus has
unique characteristics that have happened before
with SARS and MERS, and has genetic material that
has never been identified, and is not tied to any
animal or human known virus. This should be
troubling to all, because if this is manmade, it was
manufactured as a weapon of war. So who is
responsible for its release in China? It is possible
that this virus was created in China and was
“accidentally” released into the population, but
that does not sound credible at any level. Do any
think that the Chinese government would create a
Chinese race specific virus and release it in their
Are You Tired Of
The Lies And
Non-Stop Propaganda?
Interestingly, in the past, U.S.
universities and NGOs went to China
specifically to do illegal biological
experimentation, and this was so
egregious to Chinese officials, that
forcible removal of these people was the
result. Harvard University, one of the
major players in this scandal, stole the
DNA samples of hundreds of thousands of
Chinese citizens, left China with those
samples, and continued illegal
bio-research in the U.S. It is thought
that the U.S. military, which puts a
completely different spin on the
conversation, had commissioned the
research in China at the time. This is
more than suspicious.
The U.S. has, according to
this article at
Research, had a massive biological warfare
program since at least the early 1940s, but has used
toxic agents against this country and others since
the 1860s. This is no secret, regardless of the
propaganda spread by the government and its partners
in criminal bio-weapon research and production.
As of 1999, the U.S. government had deployed its
Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) arsenal
against the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vietnam,
China, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Haitian
boat people, and our neighbor Canada according to
this article at
Counter Punch.
Of course, U.S. citizens have been used as guinea
pigs many times as well, and exposed to toxic germ
agents and deadly chemicals by government. Keep in
mind that this is a short list, as the U.S. is well
known for also using proxies to spread its toxic
chemicals and germ agents, such as happened in Iraq
and Syria. Since 1999 there have been continued
incidences of several different viruses, most of
which are presumed to be
manmade, including the current Coronavirus that
is affecting China today.
There is also much evidence of the research and
development of race-specific bio-warfare agents.
This is very troubling. One would think, given the
idiotic race arguments by post-modern Marxists, that
this would consume the mainstream news, and any
participants in these atrocious race-specific
poisons would be outed at every level. That is not
happening, but I believe it is due to obvious
reasons, including government cover-up, hypocrisy at
all levels, and leftist agenda driven objectives
that would not gain ground with the exposure of this
government-funded anti-race science.
I will say that it is not just the U.S. that is
developing and producing bio-warfare agents and
viruses, but many developed countries around the
globe do so as well. But the United States, as is
the case in every area of war and killing, is by far
the world leader in its inhuman desire to be able to
kill entire populations through biological and
chemical warfare means. Because these agents are
extremely dangerous and uncontrollable, and can
spread wildly, the risk to not only isolated
populations, but also the entire world is evident.
Consider that a deadly virus created by the U.S. and
used against another country was found out and
verified, and in retaliation, that country or others
decided to strike back with other toxic agents
against America. Where would this end, and over
time, how many billions could be affected in such a
All indications point to the fact that the most
toxic, poisonous, and deadly viruses ever known are
being created in labs around the world. In the U.S.
think of Fort Detrick, Maryland, Pine Bluff Arsenal,
Arkansas, Horn Island, Mississippi, Dugway Proving
Ground, Utah, Vigo Ordinance Plant, Indiana, and
many others. Think of the fascist partnerships
between this government and the pharmaceutical
industry. Think of the U.S. military installations
positioned all around the globe. Nothing good can
come from this, as it is not about finding cures for
disease, or about discovering vaccines, but is done
for one reason only, and that is for the purpose of
bio-warfare for mass killing.
The drive to find biological weapons that will
sicken and kill millions at a time is not only a
travesty, but is beyond evil. This power is held by
the few, but the potential victims of this madness
include everyone on earth. How can such insanity at
this level be allowed to continue? If any issue
could ever unite the masses, governments
participating in biological and germ warfare,
race-specific killing, and creating viruses with the
potential to affect disease and death worldwide,
should cause many to stand together against it. The
first step is to expose that governments, the most
likely culprit being the U.S. government, are
planting these viruses purposely to cause great
harm. Once that is proven, the unbelievable risk to
all will be known, and then people everywhere should
put their divisiveness aside, stand together, and
stop this assault on mankind.
“In vast laboratories in the Ministry of
Peace, and in experimental stations, teams of
experts are indefatigably at work searching for new
and deadlier gases; or for soluble poisons capable
of being produced in such quantities as to destroy
the vegetation of whole continents; or for breeds of
disease germs immunised against all possible
antibodies.” ~
George Orwell – 1984
Additional notes:
and here.
Gary D. Barnett is a retired investment
professional living and writing in Lewistown,
Montana. Visit his
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