January 16, 2020 "Information
Clearing House" -
There is something
important to note about U.S. interventionism
in faraway lands: None of the people that
the U.S. government is killing, maiming, or
destroying is invading and trying to conquer
the United States. Neither are the
governments of the nations in which the
victims are citizens. No one is invading and
trying to conquer the United States.
There is something else important to note
about U.S. interventionism in faraway lands:
It makes Americans less safe. Let us count
the ways.
1. American tourists and business people
traveling abroad are now subject to angry
and vengeful retaliation for the death and
destruction that the U.S. government is
wreaking in those faraway lands.
Yes, I am fully aware that American
tourists and business people are not
responsible for the death and destruction
that is being inflicted by the Pentagon and
the CIA in places like Iraq, Syria, Iran,
Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, and other
countries. But the problem is that many
victims of the Pentagon’s and CIA’s deadly
and destructive crusade don’t separate
private American citizens and the U.S.
government. Like many Americans do, they
conflate the federal government and the
American people. Thus, when they exact
revenge by killing or maiming American
tourists or American business travelers
abroad, say with well-placed bombs, in their
minds they are exacting revenge against the
U.S. government.