Spot The
Manipulators In Your Own Life: Notes From The Edge Of
The Narrative MatrixBy Caitlin
December 20, 2019 "Information
Clearing House" - The real
underlying currency of our world is not gold, nor
bureaucratic fiat, nor even military might. The real
underlying currency of our world is narrative, and the
ability to control it. Everything always comes down to
this one real currency. If you look at what all these
think tanks, NGOs, media outlets and grant making
networks that billionaires pour their money into
actually do, it ultimately boils down to
controlling the dominant stories that people tell about
what’s going on in their world.
If you want to understand how narrative management
works in the world, pay attention to how it plays out in
your own life. What are some popular narratives within
your family, perhaps about one of your family members,
that don’t reflect reality? What subjects are off limits
in your immediate or extended family, and why? Who do
you know that repeatedly spins narratives about the kind
of person they are, or the kind of person you are?
Most of us have at least one strong narrative
manipulator in our circle somewhere; family, friends,
work, etc. You can spot them by how much energy they
pour into manufacturing a consensus about someone in
their circle, including themselves; working to spin
narratives about themselves that make them look good, or
narratives about someone else to make them look bad.
Watch for anyone in your life who repeatedly tells
you stories about the kind of person they are, because
they’re trying to manipulate your narrative about them.
Also watch for anyone who keeps telling you stories
about yourself, because they’re trying to manipulate
your narrative about you. Be especially wary of the