Will the Senior-Level FBI Agents, Who Placed Spies in the Trump Campaign, Ever be Held Accountable?

By Mike Whitney

April 25, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -  

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign? - Yes

Did the FBI place spies in the Trump campaign? - Yes

Do we know the names of the spies and how they operated? - Yes

Were the spies trying to entrap Trump campaign assistants in order to gather information on Trump? - Yes

Did the spies try to elicit information from Trump campaign assistants in order to justify a wider investigation and more extensive surveillance? - Yes

Were the spies placed in the Trump campaign based on improperly obtained FISA warrants? - Yes

Did the FBI agents procure these warrants based on false or misleading information? - Yes

Could the FBI establish “probable cause” that Trump had committed a crime or “colluded” with Russia? - No

So the ‘spying’ was illegal? - Yes

Have many of the people who authorized the spying, already been identified in criminal referrals presented to the Department of Justice? - Yes


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