You Are
Not In Control
Dmitry Orlov
February 16, 2017 "Information
Clearing House"
- "Dmitry
- My recent book tour was very valuable,
among other things, in gauging audience response
to the various topics related to the
technosphere and its control over us.
Specifically, what seems to be generally missing
is an understanding that the technosphere
doesn’t just control technology; it controls our
minds as well. The technosphere doesn’t just
prevent us from choosing technologies that we
think may be appropriate and rejecting the ones
that aren’t. It controls our tastes, making us
prefer things that it prefers for its own
reasons. It also controls our values, aligning
them with its own. And it controls our bodies,
causing us to treat ourselves as if we were
mechanisms rather than symbiotic communities of
living cells (human and otherwise).
None of this invalidates the approach I proposed
for shrinking the technosphere which is based on
a harm/benefit analysis and allows us to ratchet
down our technology choices by always picking
technologies with the least harm and the
greatest benefit. But this approach only works
if the analysis is informed by our own tastes,
not the tastes imposed on us by the technosphere,
by our values, not the technosphere’s values,
and by our rejection of a mechanistic conception
of our selves. These choices are implicit in the
32 criteria used in harm/benefit analysis,
favoring local over global, group interests over
individual interests, artisanal over industrial
and so on. But I think it would be helpful to
make these choices explicit, by working through
an example of each of the three types of control
listed above. This week I'll tackle the first of
A good example of how the technosphere controls
our tastes is the personal automobile. Many
people regard it as a symbol of freedom and see
their car as an extension of their
personalities. The freedom to be car-free is not
generally regarded as important, while the
freedoms bestowed by car ownership are rather
questionable. It is the freedom to make car
payments, pay for repairs, insurance, parking,
towing and gasoline. It is the freedom to pay
tolls, traffic tickets, title fees and excise
taxes. It is the freedom to spend countless
hours stuck in traffic jams and to suffer
injuries in car accidents. It is the freedom to
bring up neurologically damaged children by
subjecting them to unsafe carbon monoxide levels
(you are encouraged to have a CO detector in
your house, but not in your car—because it would
be going off all the time). It is the freedom to
suffer indignities when pulled over by police,
especially if you’ve been drinking. In terms of
a harm/benefit analysis, private car ownership
makes no sense at all.
It is often argued that a car is a necessity,
although the facts tell a different story.
Worldwide, there are 1.2 billion vehicles on the
road. The population of the planet is over 7
billion. Therefore, there are at least 5.8
billion people alive in the world who don’t own
a car. How can something be considered a
necessity if 82% of us don’t seem to need it? In
fact, owning a car becomes necessary only in a
certain specific set of circumstances. Here are
some of the key ingredients: a landscape that is
impassable except by motor vehicle, single-use
zoning that segregates land by residential,
commercial, agricultural and industrial uses, a
lifestyle that requires a daily commute, and a
deficit of public transportation. In turn,
widespread private car ownership is what enables
these key ingredients: without it, situations in
which private car ownership becomes a necessity
simply would not arise.
Now, moving people about the landscape is not a
productive activity: it is a waste of time and
energy. If you can live, send your children to
school, shop and work all without leaving the
confines of a small neighborhood, you are bound
to be more efficient than someone who has to
drive between these four locations on a daily
basis. But the technosphere is rational to a
fault and is all about achieving efficiencies.
And so, an obvious question to ask is, What is
it about the car-dependent living arrangement,
and the landscape it enables, that the
technosphere finds to be efficient? The
surprising answer is that the technosphere
strives to optimize the burning of gasoline;
everything else is just a byproduct of this
It turns
out that the fact that so many people are forced
to own a car has nothing to do with
transportation and everything to do with
petroleum chemistry. About half of what can be
usefully extracted from a barrel of crude oil is
in the form of gasoline. It is possible to boost
the fraction of other, more useful products,
such as kerosene, diesel fuel, jet fuel and
heating oil, but not by much and at a cost of
reduced net energy. But gasoline is not very
useful at all. It is volatile (quite a lot of it
evaporates, especially in the summer); it is
chemically unstable and doesn’t keep for long;
it is toxic and carcinogenic. It has a rather
low flash point, limiting the compression ratio
that can be achieved by gasoline-fueled engines,
making them thermodynamically less efficient. It
is useless for large engines, and is basically a
small-engine fuel. Gasoline-powered engines
don’t last very long because gasoline-air
mixture is detonated (using an electric spark)
rather than burned, and the shock waves from the
detonations cause components to wear out
quickly. They have few industrial uses; all of
the serious transportation infrastructure,
including locomotives, ships, jet aircraft,
tractor-trailers, construction equipment and
electrical generators run on petroleum
distillates such as kerosene, jet fuel, diesel
oil and bunker fuel.
If it weren’t for widespread private car
ownership, gasoline would have to be flared off
at refineries, at a loss. In turn, the cost of
petroleum distillates—which are all of the
industrial fuels—would double, and this would
curtail the technosphere’s global expansion by
making long-distance freight much more
expensive. The technosphere’s goal, then, is to
make us pay for the gasoline by forcing us to
drive. To this end, the landscape is structured
in a way that makes driving necessary. The fact
that to get from a Motel 8 on one side of the
road to the McDonalds on the other requires you
to drive two miles, navigate a cloverleaf, and
drive two miles back is not a bug; it's a
feature. When James Kunstler calls suburban
sprawl “the greatest misallocation of resources
in human history” he is only partly right. It is
also the greatest optimization in exploiting
every part of the crude oil barrel in the
history of the technosphere.
The proliferation of small gasoline-burning
engines in the form of cars enables another
optimization, forcing us to pay for another
generally useless fraction of the crude oil
barrel: road tar. Lots of cars require lots of
paved roadways and parking lots. Thus, the
technosphere wins twice, first by making us pay
for the privilege of disposing of what is
essentially toxic waste at our own risk and
expense, then by making us pay for spreading
another form of toxic waste all over the ground.
Suburban sprawl is not a failure of urban
planning; it is a success story in enslaving
humans and making them toil on behalf of the
technosphere while causing great damage to
themselves and to the environment. Needless to
say, you have absolutely no control over any of
this. You. Are. Not. In. Control. You can vote,
you can protest, you can lobby, donate to
environmentalist groups, attend conferences on
urban planning… and you would just be wasting
your time, because you can't change petroleum
That the need to make people buy gasoline trumps
all other considerations becomes obvious if we
observe how the technosphere reacts whenever
gasoline demand falters. When rampant wealth
inequality started making owning a car
unaffordable for more and more people, the
solution was to introduce larger cars for those
who could still afford one: minivans for the
mommies, pickup trucks for the daddies, and for
everyone the now common SUV. And now that
gasoline demand is dropping again because of
falling labor participation rate and an increase
in the number of people who telecommute, the
solution will no doubt be driverless cars which
will cruise around aimlessly burning gasoline.
Mommies may think that a minivan will keep their
kiddies safer than a compact would (not true
unless they have 8-9 kids). Daddies may think
that the pickup truck is a sign of manliness
(true if you are some sort of gofer/roustabout;
pickup trucks are driven by picker-uppers, a
subspecies of gofer/roustabout). But all they
are doing is obeying “The Third Law of the
Technosphere,” if you will: “For every
improvement in the efficiency of gasoline-fired
engines, there must be an equal and opposite
improvement in inefficiency.”
perhaps you should just relax and go with the
flow. After all, being a slave in the service of
the technosphere is not immediately
life-threatening… unless you crash into a tree
or get run over by a drunk. But there is another
problem: this arrangement isn’t going to last.
The net energy that can be extracted out of a
barrel of oil is quickly shrinking. In less then
a decade the energy surplus required to maintain
a car-centric lifestyle will no longer exist. If
private car ownership and daily driving are
required of you in order to survive, then you
won’t survive. There goes at least 18% of the
world’s population, which will find itself
stranded in the middle of an impassable
landscape. Oops!
Given that you are not in control, and given
that the car-centric lifestyle is an
evolutionary dead end for your subspecies, what
can you do? The answer is obvious: you can plan
your escape, then join the other 82% of the
world’s population, which is able to live
car-free. Some of them even manage to live
entirely outside of the reach of the
technosphere. Let their example be your
The views expressed in this article are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Information Clearing
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